Partnership between GULF Georgia and U.S Embassy
Gulf Georgia and World Learning signed the agreement to expand the Global UGRAD exchange program. Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan and Cultural Attaché Christopher Anderson attended the event.
As a result of this, Gulf financial assistance, the number of participants in Global UGRAD exchange program will be doubled, and from the next year, 10 undergraduate students each year will get the opportunity to study in United States of America.
“I am very happy to be here today to celebrate the launch of a wonderful partnership, with the generosity of Gulf Georgia, working with World Learning, to partner to allow 10 Georgian undergraduate students to go to the United States, to study for a semester to expand their professional and social networks in the United States, and also to bring a little bit of Georgia to America and to help Americans better understand your rich culture and history. This is a wonderful exchange program that is already in existence, but thanks to the generosity of Gulf Georgia, we are going to be able to give more Georgians that opportunity. So we are thrilled to see this new chapter in American – Georgian relations. Thank you.” – says Ambassador Kelly Degnan.
Global UGRAD is a one-semester exchange program for Georgian undergraduate students that allows them to study at US universities. The program includes pre-academic English language trainings, academic courses, professional development seminars and cultural activities.